New Year Same You Only Better
The old idea of eating bad for two months and then binge dieting in January is so last year. We now realize that honoring ourselves and our body is a way to reduce negative health outcomes and helps you increase your functional longevity. What is the point of living forever if you don’t have the […]
Diet Change for Climate Change
Happy Earth Week 2021! We love to celebrate the one Earth we’ve been given and commit to honoring the environment with not only our business (#nothingwasted) but also our diets! While opting for sustainable products and recycling whenever possible are great ways to reduce your carbon footprint, one of the best ways to help the […]
Vito and Vera on THV11’s The Vine.
Vito and Vera: Little Rock’s first plant-based culinary experience. Watch owner Alicia Watson’s exclusive interview on The Vine (THV11) about Vito and Vera, her culinary wellness company that empowers people to eat a healthier, plant-based diet.
Fighting COVID with cruciferous vegetables
Get excited about cruciferous vegetables! Incorporating these plant foods into your diet may be more important than ever in the face of COVID-19. These nutritional powerhouses include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts and work magic to decrease inflammation and boost our immune systems. Let’s take a closer look at crowd favorite cruciferous vegetable: […]
Love your greens.
There are a lot of reasons to love greens. They pack an incredible nutritional punch! Vitamin K is the powerhouse vitamin found in greens; it boosts heart health, eye health and brain health. Increasing your consumption of greens daily has been found to significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. Vitamins A and C are […]
Why eat chia seeds?
What’s up with chia seeds, you ask? We think they are definitely worth all the hype- that’s why our Bliss Bites and BTF Bars are LOADED with chia goodness! Chia seeds are loaded with protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Prized by ancient Mayans for their ability to provide sustainable energy, “chia” is an ancient Mayan word […]
More lentils = happy gut!
Lentils contain some of the most gut-nourishing varieties of fiber out there. They are so rich in prebiotic fiber that they create a feast for good guys in your gut flora, helping to regulate the healthy bacteria that is essential for a not only a high-functioning immune system but also optimal mental well-being. That’s because […]
Where’s the protein?
The protein topic is so interesting to me. It is also the topic I hear the most questions about when people are considering adopting a plant-based or plant-strong lifestyle. In a nutshell- animal protein IS in fact the more EFFICIENT protein source for the human body. This is due to the amino acid structure of […]